Gathering what strength was left in him, agent Mark in his terrible state, calculated his aim for the third time since the fight began and hoped that his accuracy would not fail him this one last time. He hurled the piece of broken metal statue upwards with much force as he could muster, even in his semi-conscious state he knew immediately that he hit his target because the vice-like grip on his neck immediately eased. He felt a rush of dizziness as his organs accepts the oxygen rushing in. The statue had hit his enemy at the soft bone just beneath the ear and he had slumped into a mild coma immediately.
Agent Mark Edmund lay prone on the floor as he noticed a familiar pair of Italian shoes walk briskly into the room.
"what do I offer you boss?" he said still on the floor.
" I really wish I was here earlier" the director of NSCC said.
" Why don't you tie him up," he motioned to the limp body of Joseph. Agent Mark propped himself up with a wince of pain as he went on with the task.
"where are the others?" he asked as he bent over Joseph
"I underestimated you Ed, I told him but he would not listen"
"what exactly are you saying boss?"
"you don't understand do you?" he asked as he wheeled around to face Mark whose mouth formed a capital letter O. Facing him is a pistol which the director brandished in his wiry hand.
" for long the Igbo race have been denied the presidency of this country." he paused as he approached.
"you're well aware of my political ambition and my hopes for my cousin winning the coming election. I can't let you jeopardize what we have toiled for all these years." he said as he inched closer.
"wait boss," agent Mark said with both hands in the air.
"why waste a valuable asset when you can use me instead of Joseph who you know I am better than. The director of NSCC fixed him with a gaze for some seconds before he let out a guffaw.
"You don't think I'll fall for that do you agent Mark Edmund?" his sinister smile turned immediately into a ferocious snarl.
"remember I was the one who taught you the art of deceit, you've played your last card Ed," he said as he placed his finger on the trigger. Agent Mark shut his eyes as he waited for the last sound he was going to hear on earth.
"Freeze" was what he heard instead of the "ka blam" of the gun. col. Ibe knew better than to make a move when he saw the four men in military camouflages that poured into the room, these men would unhesitatingly shoot him in the head if he did as much as twitch a finger. They were some of the Hausa men who filled the Nigeria military, who has no regard for human life. where did they come from?. He stared with virulence as he was dragged out of the room.
" Actually boss," agent Mark was saying
" I had one more card to play" he produced the two-way radio phone the agency uses.
"you taught me the art of deceit but the art of stalling, I learned of my own cognition." Agent Mark had ingeniously placed the device that would record every sound around perfectly and send it directly to the agency, just behind the unconscious body of Joseph.
"You're dead!" the director barked as he was dragged outside.
"Hello Mark," Bubo, a close friend of Mark said as he walked into the room beaming with smiles.
"What kept you guys so long?" agent Mark Edmund queried.
***THE END***
Deceptive refuge ENDS... What do you think of it?